Tuesday, October 24, 2017

What are the Visa Chargeback Reason code 53 – Customer Chargeback

Visa Chargeback Reason code 53 is based on claims from card owners that the merchandise was defective, or not same as on the online store. There are multiple claims such as merchandise is not what’s on the sale receipt, merchandise is not same as describe during telephone transaction, or the merchandise was shipped, but it was defective or damaged. Reason code 53 can also be classified based on the following claims made by clients:

  • Inadequate for purpose which it was sold for
  • It is not what described, the transaction receipt and the product description on the website are different.
  • The product was damage or defective
Customer Chargeback Customers can file complain if they have proof that they contacted the merchant to resolve the dispute. The reason for contacting could be asking for refund, requesting to change the merchandise and return at business expenses. There are some reasons for filing visa chargeback reason code 32, especially when merchant:
  • Refused to take damaged merchandise
  • Accepts merchandise but didn’t return money to the customer
  • Failed to deliver service as described on the website or online store
  • Failed to cancel the requested service
  • Sends merchandise to an incorrect address
  • Merchandise was received but it was damaged
  • The product was not as described

Preventing Reason code 53

There are many tactics that you can use to prevent reason code 53, make sure to provide proper information regarding the merchandise and mention the service clearly so that there isn’t any misunderstanding.

If there is a faulty merchandise, then issue credit immediately. If customer want to send merchandise, merchant can reply that credit won’t be sent until merchandise is received. No matter what the situation is, make sure to keep communication with the customer so that cardholder don’t go for chargeback. If you ignore the issue then cardholder will surely go for chargeback, so answer all the queries and offer full support.

Merchants who have chargebacks should consider it as warning because it not only effects your business but also will blacklist you if using third party sites for selling. Credit issuing, marketing strategies, and shipment should be taken care of professionally.

Sometimes merchandise incur damage during shipment, which is unavoidable. There are some reasonable steps that can prevent such things. Merchant’s first priority should be to ensure maximum customer satisfaction and zero chargebacks.
Get more information visit website https://www.chargebackexpertz.com/

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Get POS for Doctors - Chargeback Expertz

A dосtоr iѕ someone who maintains or rеѕtоrеѕ humаn hеаlth thrоugh the рrасtiсе оf mеdiсinе. Hе оr ѕhе will diagnose аnd trеаt humаn disease, ailments, injuriеѕ, раin or other соnditiоnѕ. A doctor саn bе found in ѕеvеrаl settings, including рubliс health оrgаnizаtiоnѕ, tеасhing facilities, рrivаtе practices, group рrасtiсеѕ and hоѕрitаlѕ.

Whаt does a Dосtоr Do?

A dосtоr’ѕ schedule will diffеr dереnding оn thе kind оf mеdiсinе thеу practice. Sоmе dосtоrѕ wоrk in an оffiсе, others in the hospital, аnd ѕоmе in рlасеѕ уоu mау nоt think оf, likе lаbоrаtоriеѕ whеrе thеу develop new medicines and rеѕеаrсh сurеѕ.

A dосtоr tурiсаllу wоrkѕ vеrу lоng hоurѕ аnd hаѕ to be available for еmеrgеnсiеѕ. Thеѕе hоurѕ аrе ѕреnt seeing раtiеntѕ in an оffiсе-bаѕеd setting, running tеѕtѕ as well as intеrрrеting them, prescribing mеdiсinе оr trеаtmеntѕ, dоing rоundѕ in the hоѕрitаl, mаking nоtеѕ оn patient’s рhуѕiсаl соnditiоnѕ, advising раtiеntѕ оn hоw to ѕtау hеаlthу аnd tаlking tо thеm аbоut further trеаtmеnt. Thеу kеер uр to dаtе by tаking сlаѕѕеѕ аnd rеgulаrlу rеаding bооkѕ and medical jоurnаlѕ.

A doctor thаt also реrfоrmѕ surgeries will uѕuаllу wоrk twо оr thrее full dауѕ in thе оffiсе аnd thеn twо or thrее dауѕ in the hospital ореrаting room реrfоrming ѕurgеriеѕ. Dосtоrѕ will also invеѕt timе соmрlеting аdminiѕtrаtivе duties ѕuсh аѕ uрdаting patient rесоrdѕ, rеturning рhоnе саllѕ or dealing with vаriоuѕ оffiсе issues.

Thе following are various tуреѕ оf dосtоrѕ –

Anesthesiologist – Anesthesia Sресiаliѕt
Cаrdiоlоgiѕt – Hеаrt Sресiаliѕt
Chirорrасtоr – Musculoskeletal And Nеrvоuѕ System Sресiаliѕt
Cоrоnеr (Mеdiсаl Exаminеr) – Cаuѕе Of Dеаth Invеѕtigаtiоn Specialist
Dеntiѕt – Dental Sресiаliѕt
Dеrmаtоlоgiѕt – Skin Sресiаliѕt
Fаmilу Practitioner – Gеnеrаl Fаmilу Physician
Gynecologist – Childbirth & Gуnесоlоgiсаl Sресiаliѕt
Hоѕрitаliѕt – Mеdiсаl Cаrе оf Hоѕрitаlizеd Pаtiеntѕ
Immunologist – Allеrgу Sресiаliѕt
Internist – Intеrnаl Mеdiсinе Sресiаliѕt
Nаturораthiс Physician – Naturopathic Mеdiсinе Sресiаliѕt
Nеurоlоgiѕt – Brаin Sресiаliѕt
Nеurоѕurgеоn – Brain Surgeon
Oncologist – Cаnсеr Sресiаliѕt
Oрhthаlmоlоgiѕt – Eуе Sресiаliѕt
Oral and Mаxillоfасiаl Surgеоn – Dental/Medical Sресiаliѕt
Orthopaedic Surgеоn – Musculoskeletal System Specialist

All оf thе fеаturеѕ аbоvе аrе inсоrроrаtеd with more by Mеrсhаnt stronghоldѕ which includes;Free shipping to аll сliеntѕ.
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Get more information visit website https://www.chargebackexpertz.com/
Contact No. - +1 855-465-4723

Monday, October 16, 2017

Visa Chargeback Reason Code 85 - Credit Card Chargeback

Visa Chargeback Reason Code 85

Visa Chargeback Reason Code Credit Not Processed (85) is applied when issuing bank gets a notice from card owner that merchandise was return, but merchant hasn’t refunded, and credit hasn’t appeared on bank statement. It is caused by not issuing credit, or issuing it but not depositing on time and it didn’t appear on bank statement. It can also be caused by not returning credit because merchant don’t accept return, and it was not properly mention in policies.

Visa Chargeback Reason Code 85 Causes

It is generated when card brand receives a request that merchandise was returned or service was cancelled, and merchant didn’t refund. There are some causes that are associated with merchant:

  • Business or merchant didn’t returned credit
  • Has issued the credit, but couldn’t process on time so that it appears on the monthly billing statement of cardholder.
  • Didn’t apply limited return, wasn’t properly disclose, or cancellation policy wasn’t applied after request from the client.
  • Business don’t accept returns and that is why credit wasn’t returned. In this case merchant has to mention in policies, but if it is not then fault lies on merchant’s end.

Preventing Visa Chargeback reason code 85

  • Consider adding return policy, including for gift receipts.
  • Make sure to issue credit on time for all the goods which were returned. In order to ensure that card owner don’t take merchant’s intentions negatively, communicate with customers and tell them that it will take several days for credit to appear.
  • Merchants have to make sure customers are aware of return policies, especially before purchasing the goods. Return policies should clearly be mentioned near cash register. The cashier should take signature in front of receipt incase policies aren’t mentioned. For online transactions, when cardholders click on accept button, there should be return policies before processing.
  • There are some merchants who don’t accept returns, or accept only for certain items. For merchandise which can’t be returned, this fact should clearly be stated on transaction receipt near signature.

Get more information visit website https://www.chargebackexpertz.com/ 

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Chargeback Prevention Guide – Preventing Card-Not-Present Chargebacks

In today’s digital world, the number of face-to-face debit and credit card transactions has decreased. Card-no-present transactions as become the norm, especially for online purchases. According to a study, the number of shoppers in brick-and-mortar stores was cut in half within a three year period. The main reason for this is that consumers online shopping instead of going to the store. And because of this, the number of card-not-present chargebacks has increased as well.

Limit Criminal Fraud

Unscrupulous people use stolen debit and credit cards details to make unauthorized transactions. More often than not, they choose online shops that allow card-not-present purchases. It is important to keep an eye out for suspicious transactions and to validate the transactions before completing the orders.
Another way to reduce chargebacks is to use the card providers’ fraud detection tools. Verified by Visa and MasterCard Secure Code are anti-fraud detection programs that ensure that the cardholder is the one making the purchase? The cardholder is required to provide a predetermined personal identification number during the checkout process.

Limit Merchant Mistakes

Chargebacks are also caused by mistakes made by the retailers themselves. Oversights and errors in business practices can also lead to revenue loss due to chargebacks. It is important that your return and cancellation policy is clear and easy to locate. Customers must also accept the policy before processing their transaction.
It is also important to make sure that the processing procedure is optimized. Make sure that you get authorization first before processing any transaction. It is also important that any transaction is processed once.

Limit Chargeback Frauds

Chargeback fraud is also known as friendly fraud. This is the case when customers use the chargeback system to get a refund. Instead of contacting the merchant for a refund, they use loopholes in the chargeback rules and void the transaction through the bank.
One chargeback solution to this problem is to improve customer service. Customers are more likely to go through the traditional refund process instead of a chargeback if the retailer is easy to deal with. Another solution is to have a no questions asked policy for returning items. If you are offering digital goods, then make sure that you have additional security measure.
These are some of the chargeback management solutions that will reduce card-not-present chargebacks. Retailers can consult chargeback experts to help maximize profitability, and protect one’s merchant account.

Get more information Contact us +1 855-465-4723, and visit website www.chargebackexpertz.com